Currently the Enable Medicine Cloud Platform supports 8, 16, and 32 bit images for several microscopy assay types:

Enable Medicine Name External System Name Additional info Image Dimensions File Extension
PhenoCycler PhenoCycler (formerly CODEX) Akoya’s high-plex imaging platform, uses oligonucleotide conjugated antibodies and iterative rounds of imaging to achieve high plex Timestep, Channel, Y Value, X Value (TCYX). The timestep for PhenoCycler images are called “Cycles”. There are 4 channels per cycle. In other words the image is TCYX, where C equals 4.

We also accept Channel, Y Value, X Value (CYX) images. | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff | | PhenoImager HT | PhenoImager HT (Formerly Vectra Polaris) | Akoya’s 8-plex imaging platform, uses spectral deconvolution of fluorophores to acheive high plex | Channel, Y Value, X Value (CYX). | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff | | Imaging Mass Cytometry (Standard BioTools IMC, Ionpath MiBi) | Standard Biotools (Formerly Fluidigm) Hyperion+ Imaging Mass Cytometry


IonPath Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) | Standard BioTools’s multiplexed imaging platform, uses heavy metal conjugated antibodies to achieve high plex | Channel, Y Value, X Value (CYX). | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff | | General Fluorescence Microscopy | General Fluorescence Microscopy | | Channel, Y Value, X Value (CYX). Please do not submit images with additional dimensions such Z planes, Timesteps, or Cycles to this category. | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff | | Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) | Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) | | Please submit 3-channel RGB (Red, Green, Blue) images. | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff | | Immunohistochemistry (IHC) | Immunohistochemistry (IHC) | | Please submit 3-channel RGB (Red, Green, Blue) images. | .tif, .ome.tif, .qptiff |

Clarification of terminology

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